Tibetan Buddhist Centre invites you to join

Bodhicitta Retreat – 14th Series


The Bodhicitta Retreat series is an envisioned as a program of continuing growth towards the realization of altruistic Bodhicitta and the Wisdom of Emptiness and dependent origination, in line with the instructions of masters such as Arya Nagarjuna and Lama Tsongkhapa who urged seekers to follow the path to enlightenment in a graded manner.

During Bodhicitta Retreat Series 14, retreatants will be skilfully taken through a basic understanding of emptiness according to the four schools of Buddhism- Vaibhashika, Sutantrika, Cittamatra and Madhyamika, the two methods of generating Bodhicitta.

The style of teaching at Bodhicitta Retreat Series 14 will be interactive and supplemented with group discussion sessions, in order to bring about clarity regarding subtle nuances in the concepts of conventional and ultimate reality according to the four schools.

Students who have joined Geshela’s previous retreats has found Geshe Dorji Damdul to be a genuine inspiration and an engaging teacher who teaches according to the group’s disposition.

There are no pre-requisites to attend, all level of Dharma practitioners will find themselves benefit from this rare opportunity. Simply register yourself on http://bit.ly/2EERKC2

LAST DAY TO REGISTER 1 MAY 2018, email to Retreat@tibetanbc.fyreflyzproject.com
Detailed information about Itinerary will be communicated to all registrants on 06th May.

About Geshe Dorji Damdul

Since 2005, Geshe Dorji Damdul has served as the official translator to H.H. the Dalai Lama. Geshela, has completed his studies from Institute of Buddhist Dialectics (IBD) in Dharamsala, Drepung Monastic University and Gyumed Tantric College. Serving as a fellow in Cambridge University, England in 2003, he was appointed as a visiting fellow at Delhi University to give lectures in three of the University’s departments – Philosophy, Psychology, and Buddhist Studies.

Presently, he is serving as the Director of Tibet House, Cultural Center of H.H. the Dalai Lama, New Delhi. He gives lectures and leads philosophy classes and meditation retreats in Tibet House, Delhi University and other venues. He also travels widely in India and abroad, to teach Buddhist philosophy and practice.